A Simple Blogging Guide For Newbies

Do you intend to go into blogging or are you an existing blogger but haven't seen any progress in your blog so far ?  Well, you should sit back and read this little post and I'm sure you would learn one or two things.   I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea if I took a few minutes of my time to walk you through all you need to know about being a blogger.


Well, blogging has proven to be one of the best job you can do in the whole world.  You don't get to work under any employer or head out to your daily job. You can earn full time income by blogging from the comfort of your home, by giving tutorials about anything you are passionate about and also by touching people's lives through your blog.

As a blogger, You earn more income only when you are doing the right thing, Yes! I mean 'The right thing'.  updating your blog regularly, and monetizing it the right way would lead to increase in your income. In some place of work, no matter how long you stayed or how hard you worked there, you are most likely never to make more than 10% more than your starting salary and this can be very stressful considering you probably work so many hours.

Another reason why you should start blogging now is that it requires more or less no investment or capital to begin. The only thing you are investing is your time.
Nowadays, there are tons of new bloggers out there who have had their blogs for only three months and are already making money from it.  
Are you ready to start blogging and monetizing it?
Well, You can start a blog here.

Image source: flickr


Well, If you need my answer to this, I might surprise you by saying "NO". The most expensive cost is just $3.95/month for a self hosting plan.

And if you don't want to spend a dime, you can create a free blog on blogger.com where you would be hosted by Google. I'm working on buying a domain name very soon after which I would link it to my existing blogspot domain. I would recommend you do the same because I have done thorough research and realized that having a 'dot com' domain would transform your blog significantly and give it a more professional look.


Well, I would not consider blogging a difficult thing to do but at the same time, it's not a get rich quick scheme.  As far I'm concerned, the biggest challenge in blogging is finding the motivation to stick with it in the first three to six months

The mistake most people make is that they give up too quickly. Blogging requires much consistency and it should be seen as something you enjoy doing and shouldn't be seen as a duty.   It's easier for me because I have always loved writing . I don't think about income for now because I believe they will come at the right time. All I focus on is keep writing contents and making sure I'm reaching out to the right readers. 
As a newbie in blogging, you have to enjoy writing, be original and you don't need to be a specialist in grammar. I would recommend you write about something you are passionate about. 

Ok I would stop here for now and I hope this post was helpful.  You can leave your comment if you would like to share your blogging experience. 

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