Crucial Things You Need To Implement To Boost Your Blog Income.

Hey guys how's it going?

I have come across several articles on the web saying that you do not need to be passionate about a particular subject before considering blogging.  Well, I totally disagree!

I can categorically tell you that if you are blogging about something you are not passionate about, you will eventually get bored about it probably after your first 100 posts.  Yea your opinion may differ but this is what I believe.
I've seen friends that started out blogging about something they have little or no knowledge about and they ended up quitting because they found it boring along the line.

If you want to start blogging, there is need for you to consider choosing a topic that you love so much, something you can never get bored with when you are writing or teaching people.
When you are blogging, you are literally passing out useful informations to your readers. you want to help them solve their problems.
So how can you do that when you are blogging about something you have no interest in or something you have no knowledge of?  Ok If you are reading this and you know you are not blogging about a subject you love, I suggest you quickly make changes and corrections because blogging requires time investment and you don't want to end up wasting years doing the wrong thing or writing posts that would never be read.

Passion isn't all you need to become a successful blogger. There is more:

Apparently, the most successful bloggers are all good at implementing what they've learned . Yes I mean it! You can make your research and tell me I'm lying.

Cogitate this...

How many bloggers do you know that are course junkies? They take every popular blogging class available out there, but don't seem to see their income grow year after year?

Now how's that possible?

I've always NOTICED this.

There is a successful blogger and budget expert called Rosemarie Groner, whom I've been following for months now. I mentioned her in one of my previous posts titled How Much You Should Reinvest Into Blogging where I talked about how she grew her blog into a 100k/mo blogging empire.

What About Rosemarie?
Well, she took her first blog training  at Elite Blog Academy(EBA) , and she said it took her 9 months to complete the class and completed every action step.
According to her, she stared the class without understanding how bloggers made money, but by the time she completed the class, she was a full time blogger .
I have decided to join the class not because it helped Rosemarie but because I want to learn and improve my blog. I have bought online courses that didn't work for me not because they weren't great but because I never implemented what I learned one step at a time. This EBA class only opens once in a year , best bet , join the waiting list here.

I'm a big fan of Rosemarie and I've been learning a lot from her since I started blogging and she's been an inspiration so far. You can only learn from the best to be like or better than than the best.

Take Note- There are many other bloggers out there who took blogging classes and never benefited from them.  Well, they never benefited most likely because they failed to implement tons of important things from the class.
Important things like not having not having different ways to opt-in on their blogs, not creating images optimized for Pinterest, not having products, and not having social share buttons and I can go on and on.
Such bloggers are actually not struggling because of lack of information but because they failed to implement. Which can be frustrating.
If anyone ever told you that paying for a blogging class was what got them success, they lied to you because it's not true.  What gets you success is implementing every single step you learned .
If you a blogger reading this post and you have been struggling monetizing your blog or you have been blogging for years and still stuck around $500/mo or less, I suggest you join the Elite Blog Academy waiting list.

Yes it is technically possible to blog full time without buying any courses but i personally think it's rare and even if you decide to do it on your own, there are chances you'll spend years blogging without reaching full time income.
If you are thinking about growing into full time income , then training is the smartest and fastest way to go.
Don't waste your time, take that step and choose the classes that you take carefully and once you've purchased it, take the entire class and every step.

How Do I Choose Classes And Implement Them?
I am of the opinion that choosing classes based on your goals for the year is the best way to go.  The following are what you need to focus on

- Foundation
- Time management
- Pinterest Strategy
- Affiliates
- Products

When you have a goal that you don't know how to achieve, all you need to do is run a research about the courses available in it. After you have chosen the course, take the information as they are presented and try creating checklist of steps that need to be completed before moving to the next chapter.

So my fellow bloggers, right now I'd say let's get back to work and start improving our blogs.

I hope this post was useful. If you have anything to contribute to the post or share, you can leave your message and I would gladly love to read from you.

Cheers guys!


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