The Most Common Mistake Bloggers Make

This could be you. Or Maybe it hasn’t happened yet, but it could. Starting a blog and growing it into a profitable business is sort of like saying that you’ll drop 50 pounds in a year (except in the case of blogging you get to sit on the couch all day to achieve your goal).

Hi guys,

I thought I'd quickly write about those common mistakes we make in blogging. I believe you would gain one or two things from this blog post even though this is covers mainly the first common blogging mistakes.

Quitting Before You Even Really Start.

This could be you. Or Maybe it hasn’t happened yet, but it could. Starting a blog and growing it into a profitable business is sort of like saying that you’ll drop 50 pounds in a year (except in the case of blogging you get to sit on the couch all day to achieve your goal).

I keep telling my friends that It’s not something you can power through in a weekend. You have to stay consistent, motivated and dedicated to something for at least a year. Which I believe can be difficult to do when you have no signs in those early months that you’ll make it.

In most cases, what happens to bloggers that quit during the beginning of blogging is that they dread having to figure out their tech problems, and sometimes they just let life get in the way. They think they’ll tackle the blog next week. But then procrastination comes in. Next week becomes next month and then next year.

So, how do you solve this?

Learn the secrets of successful blogging.

As a newbie who wants to be successful in blogging, you should set an end date of ONE YEAR from today and commit to dedicating at least 10 hours a week to your blog during that time.  It's what I did when I first started blogging and it's been working out for me so far.

It is important that you have it at the back of your mind that this is a business and it will take time to grow. Because blogging lets you create a large business with zero capital (investment) money, Yes!You  pay that capital in time spent growing a platform. By giving yourself the end date, you give yourself time to figure it out.

The good thing about setting that  end date is that you might be scared about wanting to live with the regret of always wondering what could have been. You want to give it a full year of time and attention and if you couldn’t make it into a full-time income, you would have no problem walking away. Then you wouldn’t have to wonder what if.

The biggest reason why you might not be successful is… you giving up.

The end date helps to prevent that.

Well, We all started on crappy looking blogs. We survived and so will you. White space is your friend at this point; it makes you look minimalistic and sophisticated. Nothing says "unprofessional" like a rainbow or beach themed background to your blog.

Stick with a white background, a text heavy logo and put out GREAT content, so you can afford a site redesign as soon as possible.

Keep in mind, that if you aren’t great with technology (I feel your pain… not everyone is great with tech), there are resources out to help you. Good news right?

Well, The Genius Bloggers Toolkit  is available. It is an entire digital library of popular courses, books, printables and guides that they can sell for a fraction of the price because it’s a limited time sale.

They have solutions to your problems in every aspect of blogging, from brand new to advanced. Just name it.

I recommend this resource to you but there’s a major something you must know. DO NOT GET THE TOOLKIT if you think you’ll take every course. I must say it's TOTALLY not the road  to success.

You have to focus on no more than three for the year, and then keep the rest on your computer so you can come back to it when you reach that stage. So if you’re struggling with getting your blog set up, then stick to the getting started section of the toolkit.

You can get more information on the Genius Bloggers Toolkit here.

If you have any question or contributions, just leave a comment.


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