The Actual Secrets To Blogging

In the blogging world, there are tons of people struggling to make income from their blogs but I can categorically tell you it is very possible to make a living out of blogging. There are apparently so many successful bloggers who have taken advantage of key blogging secrets to build a blogging empire. One of these successful bloggers is Rosemarie Groner, who used Pinterest as a tool to build a blogging empire.
Did she pour money into Facebook ads? Nope! She used Pinterest boards (and quite well, obviously). Now she can sit back and smile after growing her blog from $18 to $100k a month in 2.5 years. Sounds cool, huh?

What does that tell you? It means there are secrets to blogging you must realize if you want make full time income from blogging.

I was actually surprised at how many people didn’t understand this simple but hugely impacting fact about blogging. Don’t get me wrong, getting page views gets you ad income, which can be a pretty penny.

In actuality, this shouldn’t have been surprising because this is something that I didn’t understand in the beginning. In fact, I kept working my butt off to get more page views.
It didn’t take me long to realize that I was doing it wrong. Page views aren’t the driving force behind your income.

Ok So, what is the driving force in how much money your blog makes?
First thing that ought to come to your mind is Your email list!
But it’s more than just having an email list. You have to build trust with your email list. You only start making money when you’ve proved to your readers that…
1. You’re trustworthy.
2. You understand their unique situation.
3. You can help them (even as you learn yourself).

However, these aren’t things that can be proved in a blog post. It’s a relationship that develops over time.
When people see your post on Pinterest, they could care less about you! They’re there to see your tip or trick and move on. When they join your email list, they likely STILL don’t care who you are or what you can do for them.

But this is the critical point in blogging.
This is the point that determines whether you’ll be able to make blogging into a business. If you can build a relationship with your readers once they join your email list, then you can actually help them; even change their lives WHILE you make a full time income from blogging.
But you need to understand that income in blogging isn’t made on the blog posts (most of it isn’t anyway), it’s made from your email list…

Where you find solutions for your readers (sometimes paid through affiliates or your own products) and hand deliver them.
And learning what to write in an email and how to manage your weekly newsletter is as much of a science as an art.

That’s EXACTLY why Rosemarie Groner who happens to be my role model, created Date Your List, a cheat sheet for her old Mastermind group, where she explain how to build a trust based relationship that turns your subscribers into paying customers and raving fans.
She also explained the secret newsletter formula that she used to grow her blog from $18/month to $100k/month.

I'll leave it here for now. If you have any questions, contributions or anything else you want to tell me, just drop a comment in the comment section below and I'd be glad to respond. Thanks.


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