How To Identify A Good Blogging Class

A Blogging Class is a course that teaches you step-by-step how to blog for a living. It can also be referred to as a class to “monetize your blog”. A good class should take you through each step and ensure that you understand everything you need to know to make a full-time income from blogging.

Hey guys how's it going? 

Are you still considering joining a blogging class ? You don't know if it would be worth it?  Well, I want you to worry no more because I'm going to be discussing about how you can identify a good blogging class when you see one. 

What’s a Blogging Class?
A Blogging Class is a course that teaches you step-by-step how to blog for a living. It can also be referred to as a class to “monetize your blog”. A good class should take you through each step and ensure that you understand everything you need to know to make a full-time income from blogging.

The essential things to cover would be creating content, Pinterest, social media, graphic design, SEO, monetizing, ad networks, working with brands, affiliate strategy and blogging as a business. A good class needs to share the resources that you need to succeed and give you clear direction.
A Blogging Class can be the catalyst that you need to take a “hobby” blog to a full-time income quickly and (mostly) painlessly.

Four Reasons You Need a Blogging Class

1. Pinterest
Pinterest is a game changer when it comes to blogging for an income. Because Pinterest consists more or less entirely of blog posts, this is the number one thing you can conquer to grow quickly. You need someone to guide you, show you how to use group boards in your favor, when to pin, what to pin, and how much to pin.
You want to understand what makes a pin perform well and create a marketing plan for Pinterest that will bring you tons of new traffic. (Seriously! I went from 60,000 pageviews to 320,000 pageviews in 11 months!) A good blogging class will show you how to utilize Pinterest to explode your traffic and income.

2. The “Formula” to Make Money
You can have all the pageviews in the world, but until you understand how to monetize your blog, you’ll never make an income from it. You don’t need to be dishonest to make a living from a blog and you don’t have to monetize it in any way that makes you uncomfortable.

Even though I'm not making much yet, I monetize by doing sponsored posts from brands that I love and would have talked about anyway, ads and affiliate sales on programs that I use and love.
You need to know how to use your email list effectively(Still building my email list), how to work with brands, what to charge, how to create a media kit, and how to write a pitch letter that gets a “Yes.” You have to know what ad networks are worth your time, and what affiliates are worth pursuing.
A good blogging class will lay all these out in a way you can understand and be very transparent with the relationship between income and pageviews and what to expect as you grow.

3. Networking
You need to have people you can ask questions of. Whether it be a tech issue that you don’t understand, advice on how to handle a sponsored post, or feedback on how others’ ad networks are performing for them, blogging is so much easier when you have people around you for support. Although I couldn't enroll for Elite Blog Academy this year because I'm broke at the moment but I joined their support group on Facebook.  Within the short time of joining, Elite Blog Support group on Facebook had me find a mastermind group, and through them, I’ve been so blessed to find a small group of bloggers that feel like best friends. Just having people to help me through problems or rough spots, suggest new ideas and gently hold me accountable to achieve the goals I set for myself is one of the greatest things to happen with this blog.
A great blogging class will have a Facebook group or a forum of other classmates. This is invaluable for you, because everyone in that group has spent a pretty significant amount of money to be there, so when you ask a question, you’re getting responses from people that are dedicated to blogging and many are doing it professionally.
4. How to Treat Your Blog as a Business
This was the hardest concept for me to understand and it covers almost everything. You need to know how to get organized and how to transform your blog into something that helps readers while making an income for you.
You need to be able to track statistics, learn how to “A/B test”, get a working (and easy!) editorial calendar, and yes! you need to work smarter not harder. You need to know how (and when) to expand and hire help, and you also need to know how to start creating products to sell.

How do you know if the blogging class is worth it?
I would recommend a blogging class to almost everyone that has the desire to do this. In my opinion, chances that you won’t make that money back from your blog are very slim as long you're committed to doing the work and learning as you go. 

However, there are a few people that should wait on this (just until your situation changes).
If you don’t have at least 10 hours a week to dedicate to your blog, I would wait to get a blogging class. You need to do the work in order to see the results. This is pretty time intensive. 10 Hours a week can be 2 hours every weekday while your husband watches TV, or 1 hour of eating lunch at your desk and blogging during the weekdays and an extra 5 hours on the weekend.

If you’re the type of person to give up easily, wait on this. This isn’t a “get rich quick scheme.” This is, “blog for hours, days, weeks and months for free and one day you can make thousands a month” if you know what you are doing.
I honestly believe that you can have the same results if you take the class seriously, you do the work and don’t skip lessons, but if you’re the type to get frustrated and quit, you’ll just waste money, because you’ll never get past the “work for free” part.

If you hate writing, you should probably not be a blogger. This is kind of a given, but I thought I should mention it. They say Content is king. The more you write great and unique contents, the more your blog posts become visible in Search engine. Google ranks unique contents more than those that have already existed. 
Therefore, if you really want to make money from blogging, you should be a person who loves wringing , otherwise I would honestly say blogging is not your thing. 

I hope this post was helpful. If you have any questions regarding how to choose a good blogging class, just ask. Unfortunately, enrollment for Elite Blog Academy are closed. It usually opens just once in a year and I'm not sure if there's been any changes to that but you can check them out at


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