Few Tips On Overcoming Blogging Anxieties

Tips on how to overcome worries about starting a blog

Hi guys,

I'm back again with a new post to talk about how you can overcome your worries when considering starting a blog.  I understand the feeling when you start a blog and the thought of "what's next?" pops up in your head. I would talk about the following points in this post and I hope you would grab one or two things from it.

- What to write about.
- How much time do I need to put in it.
- I have no knowledge of computer programming .
- I am anxious about investing in something I'm not sure I'll be good enough to do as a full-time job.

If you are a new blogger, I'm sure one of the above points I listed must have hit your mind before.  Well, I would explain how you can over come these anxieties one after the other. Just take a deep breath and read on.


The anxiety of what to write about when planning an online business

Well, I have once faced this problem before and even though it wasn't easy for me at first, I solved it eventually.  This is what I did: 

As a person who wants to start blogging full time, I decided to put into consideration the needs of people living in my community and in the country as a whole.  I thought I couldn't write about anything if I didn't know their needs.  So I ran a few research on that and I was able to determine what people would love to read from me. There are a bunch of people who want to start an online business but don't know how to go about it or are browsing the internet for the latest technology gadgets.  So I chose to start a tech blog in order to reach out to so many readers out there who have been longing to create an online business where they could be working from home.  This is how I got the title for my blog "COMPADGET"  which in full means "Computer gadget".  My blog mainly entails blogging tutorials and information about the newest and trending technology gadgets.  I chose to go into technology because I had knowledge about it and I thought I could help by reaching out to folks who would love to start a tech business .  Take note of this: 

When you are starting a blog, the following should be considered;

- I'm doing this to solve a problem 
- I'm doing this to help people with their needs 
- I'm doing this to inform people 
- I'm doing this to establish my presence on the internet.

Note- Try not to think about starting a blog for just your personal interest because that would be disastrous.  Yes I'm aiming at reaching full time income with my blog but I do not put that in my head all the time . I just focus on writing useful and relevant contents and making my readers happy, helping people solve problems and giving out useful and accurate informations to my readers. Trust me, if you consider leaving money out of it for now and focusing on building your authority online, people would start flooding your site because they believe they would get useful information when they visit your site and the money would start coming at the right time.  Identifying people's problems with should help you in determining what to write about.


In as much as the amount of time spent on blogging depends on who is blogging, I recommend 10 hours a week to be the number of hours you should put into it if you want to blog as a full-time blogger and if you ask me, I would say it's a good idea. 

On the other hand, I recommend blogging for 5 hours in a week if you are doing it as a hobby and maybe just looking at what could come out of it in years to come. 

The truth is that Google ranks people that post consistently higher than those that post less. When I say consistently, I'm not saying "consistently posting low quality contents" but I mean you should consistently post "unique contents" of high quality and trust me your content could get featured on the first page in search engine. 


As a beginner in blogging, you shouldn't let yourself be overwhelmed by the fear of having no knowledge about computer programming.  As long as you can figure out how to operate your mobile devices , iPads or tablets, then you can easily start a blog.  I started blogging with my android device even though some of my friends were making fun of me at the time. I didn't wait until I was able to purchase a laptop before I started blogging. I started a free blogger blog on my mobile device and I was always updating my blog every week until I was able to buy a laptop. You can create a totally free blog now by signing up on www. blogger.com.   You don't need to understand or learn how to code but you just should be able to do the basic things you do on your android and iPhone devices and you are good to go. 


Well, I would first of all say that you can never be good at something if you do not try it.  So why not give it a shot???   
Ok let me tell you something you probably don't know:

Let's take for instance , you wanted to start a store... You would need a lot of capital to build the business and hope for customers to patronize it. And if you are not getting it right or making profits, you would be at risk of losing money you have invested in the business . This is unlike blogging where you can start a blog as a hobby and growing it into a massive business with very little money spent on it and you get to have enough time to figure out where you are not getting it right but the only thing you could lose is time. 
Once you start making progress on your blog and already making a couple hundred dollars,  you could reinvest in it if you think there are areas on your blog that needs upgrades. You can read my previous post about How Much You Should Reinvest In Blogging

To cap it all, all of your dreams can come true if only you start blogging the right way. Maybe have been dreaming about buying a car, a house, traveling full-time or traveling on a vacation to your favorite destinations, all these can come true if you start writing great and unique contents and making sure that you understand the DOs and DONTs in blogging. Luckily, there are tons of tutorials on YouTube that can work you through on how to be a successful blogger. You can start making $100,000/month after your first 5months of blogging if you know what to do. Don't wait for anything and don't be afraid. Start blogging.

I hope this post was useful to you. I would love to know what online business you are working on and if you are a successful blogger, you can share your experience in the comment section below.


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